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Electric Bus Chargers

  • Completion date: July 2022

  • Track record: The project was commissioned on time and within budget on a critically tight deadline. Additions and delays were handled without causing disruption to the project completion.


AFI were approached by WSP to design and commission a load monitoring and shedding system at the NZ Bus charging depot in Kilbirnie, Wellington. NZ Bus had been advised by their electrical supplier that they were not allowed to exceed 1 MVA of load during daylight hours – every time this load was exceeded, they would be fined over $10,000. This meant that a load monitoring and shedding system was required as soon as possible to remove the risk of exceeding their permitted electrical load allowance. AFI used hardware that was immediately available to quickly build a system that automatically manages the load by interlocking chargers as required.

Services provided
  • Design and build a load monitoring and shedding system for a large array of electric bus charging stations at the depot
  • On-going support to add further chargers as they are installed.
  • Collaborate with electrical installers on-site during the install and commissioning phase
  • Electrical and network design for remote I/O nodes
  • Design / FAT / Commissioning / SAT / Remote Support.
Product description
  • Schneider M580 PLC with ethernet I/O scanning and serial comms
  • Schneider TM3 EthernetIP/Modbus remote I/O
  • Allen-Bradley Micro820 PLC
  • Schneider power monitoring devices
  • Compact NSX circuit breakers
  • ComX Gateway / data logger
  • Mikrotik & MTX networking hardware